Thursday, October 18, 2007

Prayer For Zimbabwe

This is real, and I ask you to take a moment to listen and pray and agree with this particular post:

I am working on a post that is close to my heart, with regard to the Zimbabwe situation. The freedom of the internet is powerful, and I hope to use it as a tool to bring an awareness of the plight of innocent people and the saving grace of Christ at work throughout the world today.

Be blessed always!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Victor,

We will pray for Zimbabwe, and also for the firefighters in your area.
May the Lord Jezus Christ be with you and your relatives to protect and to save as His caracter is.

Coming Sunday I will also try to make a prayer in our prayermeeting before our service starts.

Shalom from a cold Holland,

Harry v Beek
(guitar player on your dad's funeral)