Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Ever wondered...?

I think what has been really amazing to me is the advent of the internet. Who would have thought ten years ago that we could sit in the comfort of our home, in front of this mass of plastic, cabling and graphics and be able within the click of a button to capture an audience with our thoughts, perspectives and musings?

I started the Jubber Journal in 2005 with the intention of sharing events and challenges that presented themselves to us as a family. Some of the entries have been funny, sad, joyful and interesting. A lot of my focus has been centered on the situations that continue to besiege Zimbabwe, the plight of the innocent in the aftermath of a dictator who is leaving a trail of destruction in his wake of evil leadership. As we head towards closing out 2007, the thought that has struck me deep in my heart is "how can I best use this resource as a tool to proclaim the goodness of God, and somehow shine through this technology as a beacon that will draw more men unto Him"?

2007 many have labeled the year of jubilee - Lev. 25:10 - celebrated typically every 25 - 50 years. Known as a year of remission of sin, in which slaves and prisoners would be freed, debts would be forgiven and the mercies of God would be particularly manifest. I have seen the Lord working wonders through this year...

In May my father went to be with the Lord. Many doors were opened that enabled me to travel to Holland, some of the circumstances were impossible, yet the Lord opened many doors, and through sharing that event with many visitors to the Journal many lives were impacted. One such testimony that comes to mind is a reader who sent me this comment below on October 29, 2007:

"Praise God, That is a wonderful post, I just read about the cancer being gone. I just had to find a way to tell you. I do not know how to post a comment on your site. Sincerely, Rex Orr"

I do not know this man, never met him, but thank the Lord that he stumbled on the Jubber Journal and was able to find comfort and blessing and see the Lord working in a life altering situation. We communicated via email briefly and then I received the following email on November 11:

"The Founder/President of our company, Rex R. Orr, passed away on November 11, 2007."

Sometimes, we take lightly what we say and do, and how we perceive the awesome power and ability God gives us in the hope that we navigate life with Him in all our adventures. I stand in awe of the Lord, knowing how perfect His timing is, that He leads people across our path for a reason and purpose, and that if we only took a moment we would hear His still quiet voice and be responsive to the nudging of the Holy Spirit.

As we close out 2007, consider this, in your circle of influence how can you impact someone's life, and bring them hope and encouragement even though your own circumstance might be challenging you beyond what you think you are able to handle. You will be pleasantly surprised to see how much of a blessing it is to shine for the Lord...

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