Yesterday was thanksgiving - a tradition that has been in place since 1620. The basics of the whole tradition is the pilgrims who came over here and landed ashore on November 11, 1620 to start a new life and practice of freedom of religion. 106 pilgrims made the daring journey, and the first winter wiped out 46 of them. As the harvests became more successful the pilgrims decided to celebrate with the native indians by feasting on chicken, and fowls which they actually called "turkeys". This Thanksgiving saw 46 million turkeys make the journey from their own captive freedom to the oven! Incidently, did you know that the pilgrims started out in England, where they faced religious opposition, then hopped across the channel to start over in Holland, but found the weather unbearable, and set sail across the Ocean for America...pretty interesting historical trivia!
So, with Thanksgiving being the last thursday of November, we didn't feel like going and opening the shop for one extra day. Instead we took the day off and headed out of town early this morning for a famous little cowboy town up in the mountains. We took Billy my boet up there when he came and visited us a few months after our arrival. The town of Julian sits nestled in the mountains approximately 3900 feet above sea level. This town is famous for its Apple-Pie! You don't drive up the mountains and go through Julian without stopping in at the Pie Shop. There are lots of little Antique shops, trinket stores and Mom & Pop shops. makes for a really nice drive and day out of the hustle and bustle of city life.

After Julian, we decided to trek north along the mountains another 80 miles heading higher and higher towards a little town 5000 feet above sea level called Idyllwild. We had been there only once before and so it was a very challenging drive. Talk about a free rollercoaster ride, the road is narrow and winding and for the queazy getting motion sickness is pretty normal. The scenery is absolutely breath taking. As far as you can see there are mountains, huge trees, and log cabins scattered through the country side. I can only imagine what life was like in the old days. Travelling through these areas on horse back must have been an amazing experience. Being at 5000 feet above sea level drained our energy levels within a matter of an hour of walking around the town. This is a popular tourist destination where if you want to buy a special gift for that someone special then this would be the place to fork out some mulla. When giving your loved one the gift the story of how you got to the store to buy it will make for the best coffee chat. We found a nice cozy little restaurant and had a meal and enjoyed the atmosphere. There was a guy sitting near our table, who had just come back from active duty in Iraq - that was interesting to eves' drop (mind you he spoke so loud it was a free broadcast!). We had a nice lunch, some of the best steak and chips and salad I have had in these parts. However - no beef tastes like good ol' African Beef!

After lunch, we strolled to the car, and loaded up to make the trip back into town. We took a different route than usual, slightly longer but a heck of a lot more scenic. The one thing we noticed was a huge amount of trailers being pulled from the cities, across the mountains, and into the desert. Boys with their toys. Sand buggies, quad motorcycles, motocross bikes, you name it...The other spectical was vast groups of motorcycle riders ambling through the winding mountain roads. I had no idea so many people are bikers, it sure does present itself as a bunch of fun riding with your buddies through some of the most breath taking areas I have ever seen.
Its Friday night now, got home, and had to rake the yard, water the lawn, put new bird feed in the holder, and finally sit down and relax for a while. I have dotted in a few photos from today, and will add others once I have had a chance to go through them. I just wanted to give you an idea of California country life...it isn't all about big cities and traffic from hell...nope...there is a side to California that will draw you back like a magnet to enjoy the peace and tranquility a couple of hours from home.
Well, for those of you who actually take the time to come back here and read the blogs, I hope this makes some sense, and I hope one day before it is too late you will have an opportunity to visit with us. Kame the weekend a good one, and as always be blessed!