Yes that's a real question! Who in their right mind would post the most random topics, thoughts and ideas across the internet under the banner heading "blog"? Umm...I would. You have got to admit this is a pretty unique way of conveying a message, a thought, an idea, something funny and something sad. Of course there are limits and no liberties should be taken when posting information across a platform that sadly is abused for wicked intent and content. I am reminded of a sting operation that was going on in the county just up the road, MSNBC aired the documentary and I was horrified. That makes for interesting reading so check it out when you have a moment.
Anyway, that's going off topic, so lets get focussed on some of the events making news in our family of late. Inflation in Zimbabwe is set to climb Everest and make history as the fastest climbing statistic across the African continent. Check this artical out: "Both Marah Hativagone, the president of the Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce (ZNCC) and Callisto Jokonya, the president of the Confederation of Zimbabwe Industries (CZI) blamed Zimbabwe's runaway inflation, which at 1 023.3 percent is the highest in the world, and a host of other tribulations ranging from critical shortages of foreign currency, intermittent power outages to the high cost of borrowing funds from banks". Let me add this is the official rate of inflation, trust me, on the ground you can easily slap on an additional 500% dependant on what commodity you are seeking to purchase. Is it going to improve? The central bank dropped three zeros from the currency value, and all that did was make the situation not look as bad as it really is, truth is the situation is deteriorating, not improving! I have to hand it to Gideon Gono, this guy rose to fame in Zimbabwe in the banking sector, and was later handed the job of Minister of Finance and after many attempts has admitted failure.
So, a few weekends ago, we woke up to a lovely sunny day, decided on an outing,
printed out a mapquest, and headed for the hills. Destination: Lake Cuyamaca. First stop - Julian for apple pie. If there was a famous apple pie it would have originated from a little wood cabin store up in the mountains that makes the most delicous pie. The October fest was going on so the little town of Julian was busy
, and we headed out to our destination some 11 miles up the road. Funny story here. Everyone that was there had their picnic baskets and sandwiches and salad kicking back taking it easy. What do the Jubbers do upon arrival? Well we did what we know to do when out in the wild for a picnic - we started a fire, threw coals in the pit and grilled steak, chicked and corn on the cob. Widely known here as a BBQ - the
African equal of BRAAI (pronounced BR_EYE). I know beyond a shadow of doubt every person who drove by our spot wished they were siting at our table sinking their teeth into a delicous steak! Zane, Tam & Vicky had the bright idea of hiring a boat and asked me to join them - it was a paddle boat! Everyone else had a motor boat, but noooo...we had to paddle. You suddenly learn real quick how unfit you are when sitting in one spot peddling like there is no tomorrow. Ok - yes it was fun...was it?
October 31st is Halloween. The kids were busy for weeks on end
making their costumes for a College party that took place Friday night. Nancy and I watched our house turn upside down with material, hot glue, more material, paint, glitter and more hot glue. I wondered to myself "would I have done this in my younger years...probably", but making an would buy one and be done with it. You know when there is talent when something looks good, so much to the
kids dismay I have posted a few pics of them without consent and will reap later on for that I am sure - but the need to share their creativity is overwhelming. You know this is coming - but we have gorgeous kids don't we? Don't you worry, shotgun is polished constantly and ready to be displayed at a moments' notice.
Nancy's sister, Linda when she visited last year brought with her a traditional
African outfit made by Chris in Zimbabwe. There was another of these school functions and so Tam decided to go dressed in traditional garb and the moment was captured thanks to digital technology. Note the cool posed Zane.
Ok, this is weird, but have you ever cleaned out your fridge and found stuff in there that either shocked, surprised or
scared you? Talk about ideal conditons...we had a red cabbage tucked away in the vegetable cooler, and one morning a few weeks ago Nancy summoned us to the kitchen to view a "surprise" find. This red cabbage decided conditions were perfect and it started growing! I have never seen this happen before, and was pretty amazed.
Some sad news. This week in the Palm Springs area a raging wildfire fire has caused a major disaster in the area. As of this morning, four firefighters are dead, and a fifth is holding onto his life with 90% burns. Authorities suspect this was arson, and a reward is posted for the capture of the perp. If you have driven through the mountains, down into the desert basin you will know that this area of Southern California is majestically beautiful why anyone would stoop to such a level so as to engulf over 40 000 acres, 62 square miles of God's creation is beyond me. The fact that there are firefighters who have lost their lives in their endeavor to protect and serve is heartbreaking.
Many will know my love and passion for Formula One Motor Racing. Since 1992 I have watched nearly every race ever held, from the tragic accident that claimed the life of Ayrton Senna through history being made with seven time world champion Michael Schumacher. I will be paying tribute to the greatest motor racer in our history in a post, but for now, I salute and bid farewell to Schumi as he enters the world of retirement from Formula One Motor racing, having put his helmet on the shelf after the Brazillian Grand Prix last week, that saw Fernando Alonso claim his second world championship.
What was I thinking...? This is a real mixed grill of a post, hope you enjoyed its' content and that you will keep coming back. Famous last words - - - have a good one!
So, a few weekends ago, we woke up to a lovely sunny day, decided on an outing,

Nancy's sister, Linda when she visited last year brought with her a traditional

Some sad news. This week in the Palm Springs area a raging wildfire fire has caused a major disaster in the area. As of this morning, four firefighters are dead, and a fifth is holding onto his life with 90% burns. Authorities suspect this was arson, and a reward is posted for the capture of the perp. If you have driven through the mountains, down into the desert basin you will know that this area of Southern California is majestically beautiful why anyone would stoop to such a level so as to engulf over 40 000 acres, 62 square miles of God's creation is beyond me. The fact that there are firefighters who have lost their lives in their endeavor to protect and serve is heartbreaking.
Many will know my love and passion for Formula One Motor Racing. Since 1992 I have watched nearly every race ever held, from the tragic accident that claimed the life of Ayrton Senna through history being made with seven time world champion Michael Schumacher. I will be paying tribute to the greatest motor racer in our history in a post, but for now, I salute and bid farewell to Schumi as he enters the world of retirement from Formula One Motor racing, having put his helmet on the shelf after the Brazillian Grand Prix last week, that saw Fernando Alonso claim his second world championship.
What was I thinking...? This is a real mixed grill of a post, hope you enjoyed its' content and that you will keep coming back. Famous last words - - - have a good one!