She flies out Sunday morning and we can confirm in the short period of time she has been here the situation has not eased but intensified back home. Just today the news is school fees have gone up between 150% & 500% - I would love to know how you budget for such price hikes. What happened to free education for all? Surely kids of today will be our leaders of the future? So, where does it all come from one wonders?
Well, nonetheless, Linda and Kristen had a good time, all be it we didn't do much or go too many Places, just to have family was a blessing a plenty. For Kristen, it was her first flight, her first ocean viewing and tasting of Sea water, for Linda a time to take her mind off the stress level back home, and for us the blessing of having family in our home once again. If you are ever in this neck of the woods let us know we would love to have you come by here and stay with us a while. This is ofcourse for family and if you are our friends you are family!
My submissions have slowed a little but in the next few weeks I will be back upto speed again. It is difficult being the butcher, baker and candlestick maker and juggling many acts at the same time. So here is to a wonderful week, the middle of the first month of 2006, lets go out there and make it a good one...I know my Redeemer lives...!
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