Went to the beach a few weeks ago. Being the wise one, I didn't think to put any sunblock on. I showed a Hawaiin surfer buddy my sunburn. His reply was "dude...you got second degree burns". Coming from Africa one would think the obvious thing is sunblock right...well, what was I thinking? Vic Authers, my name sake, who now lives in Perth sent in this email comment:
"... just have one question, how can you remember what you did when you were three, yet when you visited the beach just a few days ago you FORGET to put cream on. Are you normal - switch on boet your'e getting madala. As for me I can only remember as far back as yesterday, I'm really getting old..." - thanks for the comment Vic, I had to include it in the post as it is a reflection on aging and remembering and forgetting...scary stuff! Just so you know, two weeks ater this crazy episode we were back on the beach, and every 20 minutes I doused myself with coppertone 45 - end result - no burn!!!
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