Sunday, December 31, 2006
3...2...1...Happy 2007!!
Posted by
The Jubber Journal
10:04 PM
Monday, December 25, 2006
Tolmay Family Christmas '06

Posted by
The Jubber Journal
7:55 AM
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Merry Very Merry Christmas
2006 has been an awesome year with many a story to tell. Funny how people are drawn more to stories that sound like something went wrong, rather than the goodness of the experiences that took place. You know what I mean when there has been an accident on the freeway our first reaction is to want to see what happened, our secondary thought is "was anyone hurt..." - some of the stories that were really life events that occurred during this year are worth mentioning in this blog as we close out 2006 in anticipation of a new year dawning.
Looking across the oceans to Zimbabwe, much took place and continues to do so. Is it for the better? Well, hard to say, but truthfully, the answer would have to be a resounding no! Life is hard back there. For those who have no alternative but to face each day with the challenges of basic survival, life continues to be a struggle, even for those with wealth the pressure of sustaining life and its' comforts is ever growing. Of greater concern is the plight of the children who innocently have to plot their future, some not even in their teens having to parent their siblings due to the impact of AIDS/HIV. Grandparents being burdened with the tremendous losses they face of their children and children's children. Instead of the elderly being cared for, which would be considered normal, they now are having to fill the gap created by this crippling fatal sickness. So, looking at those types of statistics I would be more inclined to say things are not as they seem, the situation is bleak, and coupled with a continued crumbling economy, starvation and brain-drain life is not all that right now...
Over in Holland, there are a number of stories to share. The most noted story is more of a miraculous testimony. Dad this time last year to the day was diagnosed with Stage 4 NSCC, which in layman's terms is sure death from cancer, in some cases within weeks, but usually within a few months after chemotherapy. Through each session, test and examination Dad stood on the promises of the Lord that by His stripes we are healed. He continued to improve and astound specialists, doctors, friends and family. To this day, Dad has no cancer present in his body. Is this a coincidence? NO. This is a miracle. Why? Because God can. I wonder why such things happen in life, and without a concrete sure answer can only say from my heart that the Lord always has a plan. Whether it is for a loved one to live, or die, He still has a plan. The most obvious plan is so that man can see the awesome intervention of the Lord and return Glory to God.
For us here in California this has been a year that seemingly passed quickly. We have continued adjusting to the actual changes in the seasons and have loved the way nature transforms. Other S
Further afield we have the Tolmay Family in Adelaide. For the first time since their arrival

Being Christmas Eve for us here at the back end of the earth, we cheated a little and decided to open gifts tonight rather than wait until the morning. As I stood watching the gifts being handed out by Vicky it amazed me that all of us, no matter how old, still love the joy and excitement and element of surprise in tearing open a gift. The funny thing is even when you know what it is, or have an idea what you think it is, you still eagerly rip that wrapping paper off to reveal your gift. I think it is the child in us that never really lets go of wanting to be spoiled, wanting to experience the joy of receiving a gift. I recall being a kid not being able to sleep the night before anticipating Santa would stop over, deliver my presents (written out on a wish list, remember that...?
A Merry Verry Merry Christmas from the Jubber Family in California!
Posted by
The Jubber Journal
5:44 PM
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Wow, would you believe that an entire month shot by without a post to the blog? So the saying "time flies" whether you are having fun or not bears some truth. This is just a mini post because as we draw to the end of 2006 I will be recapping on the highs and lows of a year that passed at lightening speed.
This ye

Traditionally - Turkey is the favored dish, we were different, opting for cornish hens (one each) and a leg of ham which we lazy grilled on the Weber. It is ironic that when your eyes lay hold of the table and the food present, you think and believe that you can get stuck in and finish what ever is laid before you - we proved that theory wrong. Not one of us actually finished the food on our plate - how sad.
The one story that made us really think back on how good the Lord is, how blessed we are to serve Him and enjoy His provision is a story of Nancy's cousins in Zimbabwe. When they were young boys they would have to walk for 10km's to school every morning, which meant waking crazy early. For breakfast Llyod and Charlie would prepare a few handfuls of cold "sadza" (from the night before) which is ground maize from the harvest of their crops, and snack on that as they trekked off to school. Before arriving in class they would have to make sure they looked neat and presentable and so would dust each other off and proceed to class. After a long day at school and activities in the afternoon they would begin the journey home and so the cycle would repeat itself. So, what would there be to be thankful over such a long lost childhood memory?
Years later Nancy and I were able to bring these two lads from the Zimbabwean rural area of Chivhu, accommodate them by us, and give them a job at the printshop. Today both these young men are successful in their own right, Charlie has recently married and has successfully started his own little business of servicing printers and refills, Llyod is the head pressman and in charge of the pressroom at our old shop - now the thought of Thanksgiving starts taking shape...
We were able to just sit back and ponder how good the Lord is. Out of nothing

Posted by
The Jubber Journal
7:55 AM
Saturday, October 28, 2006
What was I thinking...?
So, a few weekends ago, we woke up to a lovely sunny day, decided on an outing,

Nancy's sister, Linda when she visited last year brought with her a traditional

Some sad news. This week in the Palm Springs area a raging wildfire fire has caused a major disaster in the area. As of this morning, four firefighters are dead, and a fifth is holding onto his life with 90% burns. Authorities suspect this was arson, and a reward is posted for the capture of the perp. If you have driven through the mountains, down into the desert basin you will know that this area of Southern California is majestically beautiful why anyone would stoop to such a level so as to engulf over 40 000 acres, 62 square miles of God's creation is beyond me. The fact that there are firefighters who have lost their lives in their endeavor to protect and serve is heartbreaking.
Many will know my love and passion for Formula One Motor Racing. Since 1992 I have watched nearly every race ever held, from the tragic accident that claimed the life of Ayrton Senna through history being made with seven time world champion Michael Schumacher. I will be paying tribute to the greatest motor racer in our history in a post, but for now, I salute and bid farewell to Schumi as he enters the world of retirement from Formula One Motor racing, having put his helmet on the shelf after the Brazillian Grand Prix last week, that saw Fernando Alonso claim his second world championship.
What was I thinking...? This is a real mixed grill of a post, hope you enjoyed its' content and that you will keep coming back. Famous last words - - - have a good one!
Posted by
The Jubber Journal
8:03 AM
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Right, so I was going to put up a post about life in Zimbabwe prior to our moving to the States. I had no idea it would come close to mission impossible locating my archive of pictures collected over the years and have gone to some length sorting and re-archiving into some kind of order that can be used as a means of sharing bits and pieces of our life. Funny question - why would I want to do that - simple - because I can and want to!
Over the next few weeks I will be going back in time a few years, along with some pictures and edits and posts to give you an idea of what life was and is like in Zimbabwe today. Many people have a misconception that most of Africa is mudhuts and wild animals all over the place. To some degree there is truth in that perception but in most capital cities and major development areas there are highrise buildings and people going about their daily lives just like any other city. The city we lived in is called Bulawayo - or in the local Ndebele language KwaBulawayo which translated is "slaughter ground". Why such a base name for the country's second largest city? Well, history tells us the unforgetable truth of an age old battle between two tribes - the Shona and Matabele. The Ndbebele warriors occupied the souther region of Zimbabwe, and the Shona warriors the northern region. The two never saw eye to eye and were at war with eachother and even to this day tribal differences are noticable and obvious. We won't digress into that at this point in time, because that is a history lesson for another post one day.

In 1993 I left Zimbabwe for a short period of time to go work in the UK in order to raise enough capital to buy equipment and start a business. I worked in a meat packing plant in the freezer cold room which I hated with a passion but knew the goal set before me, and so labored daily in freezing temperatures to earn and buy equipment. During my stay in the Uk - Nancy took the bold step of renting an office, she went ahead and painted it, furnished it, and only told me about it upon my return while driving home from the airport! You may be wondering why all the details? Well, this little office would become a national focus point many years later. In Zimbabwe there are two major political parties; zanu-pf (note that this link leads to an article which will explain why the site will not open - Zimbabwe has not paid the Service Provider for internet accessibility and so 99% of sites and web connectivity are down across the nation) which has been in power/dictatorship since 1980 and THE MDC headed by Morgan Tsvangirai(this link opens because MDC had the wisdom to host their site externally!) Well, MDC needed a regional office in our city and the very same office that we started our business in became the regional head quarters for the MDC. During the run up to the parliamentary e

Onto more tranquil events now, a few weeks prior our departure we decided to drive to one of the world's seven wonders - the mighty Victoria Falls. This was a wonderful vacation spot for us as a family, and many fond memories of the drive, the food, the people and the experience are inscribed in our hearts and minds forever. At night as far as 5 miles away you could hear the mighty Zambezi River racing over the edge of the 420ft drop. From even further

On our journies across the nation of Zimbabwe in certain areas and at certain times of the year an interesting phenomina would occur. The Mopani Worm starts its life out as a moth, it feeds on the Mopani Tree, then through the amazing process of metamorphosis it becomes this beautiful worm that is on average approximately 3 inches long and perhaps half inch thick. Here is the interesting twist; this beauty is edible and is harvested across the nation in huge volumes for

As a start to sharing life in Zimbabwe - this ends the first part and I hope that you have enjoyed this and will come back for more when you receive notice that the blog has been updated. Hope you have all had a wonderfu lweekend and ready to head into a new week.
Posted by
The Jubber Journal
8:02 PM
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Watch this space...........
You will receive the usual prompt by email and so I hope you will come on by and see and read what this family was like in another lifetime.
Posted by
The Jubber Journal
8:05 PM
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Go Padres!
We have built a really good relationship with Xerox and as it happens they came by the shop a few weeks ago, and asked if we would like to go along to the ball game - baseball that is! Well, what do we know about baseball? Nothing... Mention cricket and I will tell you that a One day game is packed with action from start to end, a 5 day test series is a political mindset that requires strategy and game plan to win. But baseball...still gotta learn the nature of the game and how it all comes together at the ball park.
Saturday was a really neat day to go to the game because the heatwave had backed off, and the Washington Nationals were in town to take on our home team the San Diego Padres. Saturday was also a special event as San Diego hosted the "best fireworks" city display. So we drove down town which was fun with the traffic and multitude of people. After parking in a lot, we took a vote and decided to grab a bite to eat before the game in the gaslamp quarter. The atmosphere downtown is unique. People fill the walkways, bars and restaurants, and there seems to be a constant air of excitement which makes for a pleasant experience if you love the hustle and bustle of people.
Entering Petco Park was an awesome experience, talk about a brand new stadium built for the perfect baseball game - that has to be Petco Park! The atmosphere was filled with excitement and we had a really great time. Guess which team we support...ahh - Go Padres!

Posted by
The Jubber Journal
4:09 PM
Monday, July 10, 2006
Disneyland 101

The very first character we bumped into was "Cruella De Vil" and suddenly tammy

As soon as we entered the park, we heard this really fancy band playing Disney theme music, and it was an absolute pleasure to stand there in the shade and listen to them and take in the view of our first

People people everywhere...I had thought it wouldn't be busy - was I wrong! It is estima

This is the guy who started it all way back in 1955, this build stands tall, and I thought it

At the end of Grand Avenue, is the palace, well it is every bit a dream as you can see. The girls demanded a photo right there, and I had to waite for other people standing in the way to get this shot. I never would have imagined that we would see what we had once heard of in Zim

After a few hours of walking around and taking in all the excitement we went into the Indiana

After the sun set we took time out to sit down, rest our feet, and people watch. You have to admit that is everyone's favorite pst time. Just to sit there and watch people go by, all shapes, sizes, colors, just a real mix of entertainment. At 9pm we gathered around the lake and watch what I have to admit was one of the best shows and imagery I have seen yet. They did all kinds of amazing effects using a water mist spray to project 3D animations followed by a really magic fireworks display choreographed with Disney cartoons and music. talk about perfect timing...they got it right! After the show we headed across the park to do our last ride, which was an indoor rollercoaster, in space. Trust me...if you didn't scream on any other ride this was the screamers delight. The entire ride simulates being in space, with billions of stars all around you, and pitch black darkness - truly incredible effect! You almost feel weightless as you hurtle through "space" even pulling a few 'g' in some turns...This ride topped the whole day of rides, and had it not been for the crazy silly line another ride would have been exactly what the doctor ordered.
We had fun people - real family adventure and fun...if you are ever in this neck of the woods, and you happen across our doorstep, we would love to take you up the road for a day of fun that you will never forget. Below are some random pics I selected to share at this time, if you would like to see more, I will be posting them on another link at a later stage and will let you know.

...don't even ask...that last photo is us going down the wood log shoot into the water drop that drenched us. As you can see Julian is making it a moment to remember, Vicky, Nancy and Tammy are breaking the sound barrier, Zane is Mr. Keeewl...and I am smiling, sitting back and enjoying the ride.
Posted by
The Jubber Journal
9:00 PM